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Safer Internet Day (SID) 2025

This year SID is on the 11th February and we'd love to see schools and kura from across New Zealand get involved! What could you do to engage your staff and students with staying safe online? Check out our suggestions...

What is SID?

Safer Internet Day (SID) is a global day of action that takes place annually in February to promote collaborative efforts to build a safer online world.

Each year SID covers a new theme, and in 2025 the theme is

"Too Good To Be True? Keeping yourself and others safe from scams online."

Our goal is encourage others to start a conversation about how to spot, respond to and report scams of all types online.

  • Tuesday 11th February

    moving shapes balancing on a triangle

    Join 180 countries around the world to support a safer online world

  • Scams

    moving shapes balancing on a triangle

    This year the focus is 'scams' which come in all shapes and forms and can often be hard to spot.

  • Why us?

    moving shapes balancing on a triangle

    Netsafe is the guardian of SID in New Zealand in recognition of the long-standing work we do with schools, community groups and the general public to prevent and mitigate online harm.

  • Join us

    moving shapes balancing on a triangle

    This is a great opportunity to discuss the risk of scams with ākonga and make sure they know how to respond to and report them.

Primary Schools (Years 0-6)

"Hector's World" is the comprehensive suite of resources launched in 2024 specifically designed for Years 0-6, meeting a crucial need in primary schools to start conversations and learning about online safety in an age-appropriate format. With animated episodes and over 65 curriculum-aligned resources to choose from, your sure to find something to suit your class!

Episode 5 (titled 'A Searabbit Hole') is about misinformation online and the importance of critical thinking, and is a great introduction to digital literacy and a crucial skills required to spot scams online.

Check out the resources available now

Intermediate (Years 7-8)

Focusing on the skill of critical thinking, the teacher resource 'What's Real Online: Be SMART' is designed to support development of digital literacy skills in the classroom. This slide deck comes with accompanying teacher notes and takes 15-20 minutes to facilitate.

If you want to explore further, you could pair this resource with a discussion about scams, exploring what ākonga know about different types of scams, what they might do if they suspected they were being scammed, and who they can contact.

Teachers can refer to our Scam information pages at to learn more about the various types of scams and how to get help.

Check out 'What's Real Online: Be SMART'

Secondary (Years 9-13)

Put your class to the test and see how many students can spot the scams! Check out our mini interactive quizzes and discuss as a class what the red flags were and whether they think they would spot them in a real situation.

Invite students to review the Scams pages on the Netsafe website ( and report back the class on what they discover about different scam types, how to spot them, and what to do if they suspect they're being targeted.

Scams most relevant to these year groups include:

Marketplace scams

Fake competition / prize scams

Impersonation scams



Learn more about scams together with your class
thumbnail image of Get set up for safety resources spot a scam guide